Friday, December 4, 2009

Random post...

Random, random, random... :D
I don't know what to write...bahaha.. Okay, I'm not emotional today, so, lets party!!! Actually I cannot, my mom is watching the TV behind me.. :\ idk what to post actually.....


I like this picture.. :) I made Nana cried.. bahaha.. I just love making people cry.. HAHA..


I seriously don't know what to post..HAHA
And the pictures does not meant that I miss school!!!! I still want to holiday.. Speaking of holiday, I'm going to Egypt.. Who's going to come with me? :D

Egypt Pictures, Images and Photos

hahaha, this post has not point!

Oh, tomorrow is my bloggie's birthday! She's 3 years old. I think I'm going to name my bloggie tomorrow.. any suggestion?