Monday, December 14, 2009

17 days.

Dear Rose,
17 days until 2010. I hope next year would be better. Of course everybody says the exact thing every new year. But I meant it, I really wish it's going to be different.
2009 is sweet sour year. Mostly sour. But I have accomplished a lot of things, made lots of new friends and experienced lot of things.
I do not regret anything what I done on this year, well except that I gave up on Add Maths. That, I will make it up later. This year is truly life changing for me. 2009 had taught me a lot. I have 17 days left until the new year.

Being a 15-year-old is kinda tough. Just a little bit.
YES! I AM STILL 15! (2 days more, baby!)
I still need to search who I am. I think the search will put on hold for 2010. I don't know how am I going to survive 2010. It's the SPM year. I hate people pushing me to do things like study! Yeah, study, study, study. Don't take it the wrong way, I love learn new things everyday but I hate that have to force to excel. I don't need the freaking dy/dx in real life. I'm going to Mass Comm/Journalism for god sake! Yeah.... It's my fault too. Why the heck I'm in a Science class?
Oh yeah, it is because that freaking Edward Cullen made me want to learn Biology. But because that vampire I love Mieosis. :)

I hope I learn about this more in 2010. or not... I don't know. I'm still a kid right? Being 16, is it tough? I know being in Form 5 is like hell. I don't know if I could enjoy being 16. What if those freaking Jonas Brothers decide to stop by next 2010? Would I be able to go see them? I really hope I could go. (Pray for me that they'll come after SPM) :D

Dear Rose,
I hope I got to write you more often. I haven't Twitter a lot lately. Yeah, I felt neutral lately. Never too happy, never too depressed, never normal. Neutral, I hate the feeling of it. I could not do anything. Blurgh...

Sigh, 2010, I wish you will be nice to me. Make me happy please? Please and thank you.

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