Tuesday, December 15, 2009

16 on 16.

Dear Rose,
How about we reveal 16 facts about my boring life for my 16th birthday on this 16th December, huh? Yeah... XP

#1 I bite my nails when I'm bored and nervous. That's why I'll cut my nails very extra short so I can't bite them. I can't have long fingernail or I'll chew them. :D

#2 I love make-ups. :) It's a form of art on face. haha.

#3 I like the combination of totally different group of colours. Eg: Green and Purple, like the Joker! They are my favourite colours :D

#4 My first celebrity crush is Zahid AF2. :D I was obsessed with Orange colour just because it's his favourite colour. I watched Akedemi Fantasia diari just to watch him. :) But then I moved on to Kaer Azami. AF2 is my favourite season of AF. After that, the season became more annoying.

#5 I like vampire story. :) And other weird stuff. Ehem, I like vampire before Edward Cullen exist in the book. I LOVE to watch Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. <3 style="font-weight: bold;">

#6 I have a crush on a guy for 9 years. Yeah, and I learn that he's not worth it. I wasted my primary school life just stared at him. Yes, I am pathetic. :(

#7 I don't like to download singles. I download the whole album.

#8 I don't like to whole grudges. That's why I am blunt. I'll tell you on the spot. And then I move along.

#9 I love/hate crowded place


#11 I plastered a smile on my face to cover the truth.

#12 I'm a great actress. But I can't act on stage. :\

#13 I'm not a nerd. If I'm a nerd I should have straight A's on my report card now should I?

#14 If I can't tell the person the truth, I'll imagine in my head what would happen if I do.

#15 My imagination are wide. Sometimes it annoys me.

#16 I may not said this much to them but I love my family so freaking much. Mama, Abah, Abg Wan, Akak, Abg Am, I love you to death. And I love my very best friend, Nadhrah Izzati Ismail. Sayang semua! :)

#Extra I love the Jonas Brothers. umm, should I even put this? Jonas Brothers is like synonym to my name! Sarah=KevinNickJoe. They changed my LIFE!

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