I just want to be alone for a while,
A space to breathe,
All problem free,
Will not thinking a lot about thee,
Since we'll not talking to each other,
If you miss me,
You will know how to find me,
I am a little bit ambiguous right now,
even I can't put a finger on it.
Life with a purpose is hard,
life without purpose is meaningless.
Shall I disappear these 6 weeks to find myself or
shall I show my face, and forget about my true self?
I think I sort it all out in my head,
but somehow the shelf fell down and the books all were scattered on the floor.
Nobody didn't want to help me to get the shelf back up nor even pick up the books...
They were just walking by and just looking at the shelf...
To them, it is all normal, you don't have to help,
you just let it be and it will solve sooner or later.
I think I just close the door and the windows,
and just put all the books all together again by myself.
If you want to help, knock the door three times or
send a message through the blue bird....
If anyone understand this, seriously, a standing ovation to you.
Yenadey, kenape deactivate ?
Sarah...why are you feeling the same as I T_____T
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