Sunday, August 15, 2010

Why did you still matter to me?

Why? Why? Why?
Why can’t you just leave me alone?!!

Ugh, I hate this feeling of mine. 
I can’t stop it. I can’t change it. I can’t ignore it. I can’t forget about you. 
What I can do is, move on..

Why I still miss you?

Every time when I look at your picture. 
Every time when people mention your name.
You’re all around me.

Why I still hung up on you?

There’s so many guys out there and I still pick you. 
I need you to be a memory now.
But when I was trying to forget about you, you came back.

Why can’t I just let you go?

You care about me. We talked for hours and hours. You listen.

Why did I tell you everything about me?

I don’t know, I think I made a mistake to tell you everything.
I know it will bring us closer but I don’t know it could hurt me. 
I just need someone to listen and don’t judge me. 
I need someone to tell me honestly what they are thinking.
You’re everything the above.

Why did you still matter to me?

Because you are my friend. Because you are my support. Because you are YOU.
Because I am your friend. Because I will support you. Because I am me.

And if I really need you, Fate won’t let me lose you. Fate will bring you back. It may not be soon, but you will come back.

So, I’m going to let you go. Free out of my mind but still there will be scars on my heart.


Luna Lively said...

sara :'( sedih nye. aku baca. terasa sih. :'( waaaaaa~

sarahgalaksi said...

eila, jgn lah sedih2... nanti ko wat aku sedih gak.. huhu