I know I can't compete with Anas' post but I'm going to post this anyway.
Hey soul sister....
Nadhrah Izzati binti Ismail.
17 years old. (for now)
2nd August 1993.
I'm suppose to write this a couple days ago. tapi malas ar.
January 2006.
This book. Friends 4 Ever by Kate Andrews had brought Nadh and I closer. I don't know about her but to me, because of she was reading this book, it made me notice Nadhrah. You know me, if you're not interesting, I don't care about you. That day I realized, I wanted to be close with Nadh, to be her friend. 5 years of friendship started with a book.
From a friend, she became a deskmate on 2007. From deskmates, turned into close friend. From a close friend changed into best friends. From best friends turned into true friend. Friend+deskmate+close friend+bestfriend+truefriend= Sisters.
We are practically sisters now. She always there besides me through up and down and out of this world. I still can't believe she's cope with me when I was in my own Jonas land on 2008. Seriously, she can 'tahan' with me.
What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies. ~Aristotle
People said I'm unpredictable. But with Nadhrah, she can read me like a book! She will know what I will do, even I haven't say it, she will know it already. We are completely TWO DIFFERENT person. I'm the messy one, she's the perfectionist; I'm the loud one, she's not the quite one, not that reserve too but less loud that me, haha; she's into photography, I'm into filming; She's the sky and I'm the galaxy. haha. We're different but somehow, we work out perfectly.
I think, we've never fought. Nadh said, "Penah lah! Mase aku tak ikut ko pegi Jonas 3D tu..." HAHA.. Actually, it's not really a fight. It just me just not talking to her like 2 days. I can't not talking to her. She knows the real me. She's the only one. No secrets ( I think, :P )
Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things. ~Author Unknown
I love when we have our own inside joke that nobody knows. We laugh until we sat on the floor with lack of oxygen. We talk like we will never see each other the next day, even though we see each other EVERYDAY! Seven days a week. I like the we text each about random stuff. I like the way we don't talk, and it's still like a conversation. I like when people are envy with our friendship. haha. We're the BOMB! haha..
The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch with, never saying a word, and walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you've had. ~Author Unknown
click the picture.
Thank you Nadhrah Izzati for being there for me. When I'm up and down, and all around. Thank you for listening all my non-sense and sense. haha. Thank you for everything.
I know, there's something missing. But I'm too lazy to add or fix it.
SarahsayangNadhrah :)
Okay bye.
It makes me sad when I think about we're going apart because of different Universities. :(
dear nadh and sarah.. aku bangga ad kwn mcm kau org.. dan aku bahagia bila dpt tahu aku merupakan kawan kowg juga..
peace to the fullest..
hehe.. Thank you!! We love you too! :D
bila pda mula romantik geli aku
ntah.. sejak tngk post aku kot.. haha
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