Saturday, October 10, 2009

Please come back to us....

Please come back to us
by Sarah Marzuki

Why are you like this?
Why did you changed?
This isn't you...
This isn't the person that I always know,
always look up to,
always be proud to,
I hate this person,
I hate the new you,
I want the old you,
I know deep down inside, he is still there...
Please come back to me...

I think you're blinded by her,
I think you're deafen by her,
I think you're stupid when you're with her,
This isn't you...
This isn't the person that I always know,
always look up to,
always to proud to...

She blocked the light,
She hold the joy,
You need to find the key,
And you need to search the door,
I need you by my side,
We need you by our sight,
Please come back to me,
Please come back to us....

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